
– Introduction (1-2 pgs.): Introduce your question to your reader; put it into context and explain why it’s important; ask the question that the rest of your paper will focus on.
– Article reviews (x3, 1-3 pgs. each): Just like Checkpoint #3–discuss the researchers’ motivations, explain what methods they used in their research, and explain how it turned out.
– Analysis (1-2 pgs.): Here is where you can display your critical thinking by 1) evaluating the research that you’ve just summarized (How strong is their evidence?  Especially consider what type of study it was, and how they defined their variables); and by 2) comparing the research (How do the results of the studies fit together?  Are there any major differences between the studies?  Either way, you should explain).
– Hypothesis (1-2 pgs.): Based on the evidence that you’ve found, what is your unique, original idea about the question you asked at the beginning?  This should be a statement that makes a testable prediction.  This may be an idea about how some particular phenomenon works, or if there might be situations when a phenomenon does or does not occur, or about how some phenomenon could be applied usefully in the world.  Underline your specific hypothesis.  The rest of this section should be devoted to providing support for your hypothesis.  (Note that in this section and your Analysis, you should be re-citing your articles!)
– References (1 pg.): Your three scholarly, empirical articles, plus any other references you used; check out some of the samples and the OWL website to see how it should look.


please read outline and fill up analysis. doc

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Select one of the studies that were upload (by lecturers) and propose a novel follow up an experiment. This can be (but not limited to), for example, asking the same question using a different method, or a similar question on a different population. 

In your essay, shortly describe the study you are referring to and what was done so far in the literature (background), your novel proposal and predictions (current proposal and hypotheses), how would you do it, including design and methodological considerations (methods), and (if applicable) implications. Everything must be supported! References should be listed in APA style also the essay should be present in APA style.

The assignment should refer back to lecture materials. 

Is there a specific focus to your assignment?
the writer should choose one topic from the upload files and carry on the essay. If the writer wants to write about a bilingual topic, I would like the article to discuss English and Arabic as a bilingual speaker. no more than 1500 words

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