
1.It has been suggested that crime in late modernity could be defined as ‘old wine in new bottles’, meaning that crimes in contemporary society are just repackaged forms of existing crimes. Evaluate this statement with reference to contemporary criminological theories. 

2.Is crime inevitable for children born into certain families? Discuss with reference to developmental criminological perspectives.

3.’Crime is a normal, commonplace, aspect of modern society’ (Garland, 2009: 304). Discuss this in relation to a ‘crime and everyday life’ perspective and its preferred crime prevention strategies.

4.”So the people that interested me were the real hardened criminals, who were always dragging me into trouble. But they had style ” (artist Robt. Williams). Do criminals have ‘style’ and is crime ‘cool’? Discuss with reference to cultural criminology and the seductions of crime.

5.Why might Cultural Criminologists argue that a more Humanistic rather than Scientific Criminology is required to enable a greater understanding of criminal transgression and crime control initiatives under Late Modern Conditions?

6.Why don’t people commit crime? Refer to the theories of left and right realism in your answer.

7.Foucault’s book ‘Discipline and Punish’ (1977) begins by presenting two starkly contrasting styles of punishment. Critically assess Foucault’s purpose in drawing this contrast and discuss its relevance to criminology in late modernity with relation to surveillance techniques.

8.Evaluate the argument by Feeley and Simon (1992) that in recent decades we have seen a transition to a ‘new penology’ based on the notion of risk. Discuss it with relation to contemporary crime control examples.

9.Does the criminal justice have a race problem or a racism problem? Discuss your answer with relation to academic literature and data.

10.Authors like Wacquant have identified “connections between the upsurge of the punitive [states] and the spread of neoliberalism”. This is best exemplified by the global expansion of imprisonment in the last three decades. Critically asses the connections between neoliberal reforms and punitiveness.

11.’The media tends to focus its gaze on the crimes of the powerless and neglects those of the powerful’. Is this statement still true in the age of citizen journalism? Discuss.

Please use at least 9 sources.

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